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Welcome to Aldersgate United Methodist Church!

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"Courageously Living God's Unconditional Love"

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July 29th - August 1st • 9:30am-12:30pm
Adult & Teen Volunteers Needed

Sign up to be a set builder, snack coordinator, group leader, Bible story teller, craft designer, registration organizer, or game player.

Volunteer Meeting on Sunday, July 21st @ 2pm in Guback Center

Nursery provided for children of volunteers

Donate Snacks & Supplies

Sign up to donate snacks and supplies for our fun-filled week. Donations should be dropped off at the church (door #3) by Wednesday, July 24th.

Join Us for Sunday Worship
Contemporary Worship

9:30am • Sanctuary & Livestream

Our Contemporary Worship Service features modern/contemporary Christian music led by the Journeys Band.

Traditional Worship

11:00am | Sanctuary & Livestream

Our Traditional Worship Service features hymns and traditional worship music from our Wesley Choir and Casavant organ.

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