Do All the Good You Can
Stewardship Campaign 2024
"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share."
1 Timothy 6:18 (NRSV)
Our theme for this year's Stewardship Campaign 2024 is based on one of John Wesley's guiding principles to "Do All the Good You Can". This message is reinforced in scripture where, in 1 Timothy 6:18, Paul asks Timothy to instruct the people of Ephesus to "do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share".
In the spirit of "do all the good you can", we need to use this Stewardship season to prayerfully renew our commitment to the Aldersgate mission of "courageously living God's unconditional love". Stewardship is not just about the finances we commit to the church. It is also about using our God-given gifts to serve the church and others. As we continue our Stewardship theme of, "Do All the Good You Can" we invite you to make a commitment of your time and talents for 2024. Consider making a new commitment this year, and please make sure to renew your commitment in an area you wish to continue using your gifts. These Time and Talent cards are vital for the health and growth of the church as we seek to do all the good that we can in our church and community.
Drop off your Time and Talent card in the offering plate on Sunday morning, bring it to the church office, or email it to by Sunday, January 21st.
Watch our video highlighting the ministries of Aldersgate UMC
As we enter 2024, we take the time to consider where we have been this past year, to express gratitude in the present, and to celebrate in the hope for the future. We invite you to prayerfully consider making a commitment to our 2024 Stewardship Campaign by providing the financial resources needed to support the facilities, staff, missions, wellness classes, children and youth ministries, music ministries, and more. Please know that all gifts of all amounts matter. We look forward with great anticipation to the tomorrows that begin today as we strive to do all the good that we can.
Campaign Progress
187 Pledges Received as of March 27th, 2024
Thank you for your contribution and commitment to Aldersgate UMC!
Our Operating Budget
The reason for making a pledged commitment is to support the annual expenses for the operating budget for the church. The operating budget is the cost of all the expenses of the church to include programs, missions, apportionments, salaries, overhead, etc. The total operating budget for 2024 is projected to be $1.5 million. We rely on pledged commitments, non-pledge donations, and other revenue to meet these expenses.
Our goal is to receive pledged commitments for a total of $950,000.

Note on Mission Funding in the Operating Budget
The 5% for mission expenses does not include support from the UMM and UWF support of missions. Apportionments also support missions, and there are restricted funds designated for missions. Many members of the church support missions directly.
You are asked each fall to make a commitment through the "Stewardship Campaign" for the upcoming year so that we can appropriately plan which missions we will be able to support, events we can plan to have, repairs we can expect to be able to make, etc. The amount you give is a personal matter. When deciding on how much to give, remember that scripture indicates that tithing is the standard and that giving one-tenth of our income to the church is the norm or a goal to attain.