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"The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it."

Psalm 24:1

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As Christians we are called to care for all of God's creation. As United Methodists, we believe that we are not called to merely be observers. Rather, we are called to actively love and tend to all of God's creation. We are called to seek justice and liberty for all of God's creation. The Social Principals of the United Methodist Church speak to the issues in the contemporary world from a sound biblical and theological foundation. One of the United Methodist Church's Social Principals is to care for The Natural World. God has charged us to be stewards of God's creation. "Water, air, soil, minerals, energy resources, plants, animal life, and space are to be valued and conserved because they are useful to human beings".

The Aldersgate Creation Care Team works towards living into the United Methodist Social Principal: The Natural World and our Aldersgate UMC Strategic Priorities of Missional Outreach and Social Justice. To help educate, disciple, and model ways to transform for the better those people and causes we seek to serve locally, nationally, and internationally.

The Creation Care Team comes together every 2 months to find ways that Aldersgate can improve the way we care for God's creation. We talk about engaging this ministry in the following ways: Worship, Learning and Teaching, Lifestyle, and Community, National and Global Involvement. Our key focus areas for 2024 are energy efficiency; native trees, shrubs, and flowers; and plastic reduction policy for Aldersgate UMC. We are open to all subjects and ideas for creation care education, events, and policies.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

Tuesday, July 23rd • 1-2pm • Room 203

Tuesday, September 24th • 1-2pm • Room 203

Tuesday, November 26th • 1-2pm • Room 203

For more information, please contact Lorrie Rezendes ( or 571-309-6001).

United Methodist Creation Justice Monthly Tips

The United Methodist Creation Justice Movement provides tips each month to help us respond to God's call to care for creation and do justice with our neighbors.  Share these tips with your family, friends, and neighbors. CLICK HERE to see more tips and to subscribe to receive the monthly tips in your email directly from the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement.


For more about the UMC Creation Justice Movement, visit to

July 2024 Tips: Second Thoughts

“But we’ve always done it that way!”

Maybe so, but the more we learn, the more we discover that what we’ve taken for granted may need a second thought—a new way of looking at “it,” a new way of doing “it.” Being open to rethinking leads to growth.


Consider that having “second thoughts” may be a God-nudge for positive change.


Jesus said, “You have heard it said…, but I say unto you….”

Take a second to think before you print. How you use paper can save trees, which are essential for removing carbon dioxide from the air. Print two-sided; reuse paper with blank sides for scrap notes and printing drafts; buy paper that is chlorine-free and sustainable with recycled, bamboo, or organic cotton fibers.
It’s time for second thoughts about second hand. Things don’t have to be brand new to be just right. John Wesley taught and lived by “gain all you can, save all you can, give all you can.” Consider secondhand items and give them second life. By being industrious and frugal, you are better able to care for both planet and people.
The intention of using balloons is to celebrate! But no matter what the balloon is made of, it is not biodegradable. It ends up as litter or in the stomachs of wildlife, killing them. Look for alternatives that are ecofriendly, creative, and reusable, such as festive paper lanterns, colorful felt bunting, fun bubbles, and more
Fields of solar panels may seem to take over land that could be used for agriculture. But second thoughts have led to a growing practice of dual use, allowing the shade from panels to create a cooler space underneath for sheep to graze and for tender crops to be protected from a heating planet. Reexamining the problem has led to a win-win. 

Summer means wanting to cool down. Before cranking up the air conditioning and emissions, turn on the fan. It’s low-cost, high benefit, and easy. Whenever the outside temperature drops below the heat inside, open the windows and run the fan. In summer set your ceiling fan’s direction counterclockwise. (Reverse the direction in the cooler months.) Explore more ecofriendly ways to stay cool.
Something breaks, and second thoughts flood your mind. If you realize you can’t repair it, you may want to add your voice to the Right to Repair Act, legislation requiring manufacturers to sell parts and tools and provide instruction documents to anyone who wants to repair their own stuff or use a local repair shop instead of having to send it back to the manufacturer or trash it in a landfill. 
Rethink hot water. Go cold and save money and energy in the laundry. (Only items that need to be sanitized or have grease on them require hot water.) When you wash your hands, cold water works. For a quick rinse before loading the dishwasher, cold is best. The dishwasher will heat the relatively small amount of hot water needed to finish the job. 
Plastic containers are everywhere! While some are reusable, research continues to confirm significant health costs associated with the chemicals in plastic used for food storage or microwaving. Choose alternatives—glass, porcelain, ceramic, or stainless-steel—especially for storing and reheating food. 
Having second thoughts about the upcoming elections? Second thoughts lead to discerning—not disengaging. Discernment in Christian tradition calls for individuals and groups to seek God’s will and direction by thoughtfully and prayerfully examining the issues and candidates with measures of right/wrong, good/evil, truth/error, and what builds community and the common good. Then vote.
God reminded Moses that he was standing on “holy ground.” Like Moses, we are standing on holy ground. A burning bush caught Moses’ attention—we have a burning earth! God called an unlikely Moses into action—God is calling us to respond too. Like Moses, we have God’s assurance “I will be with you,” when we answer God’s call. No doubt about that.

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