Aldersgate Day School began in 1962 with just two classes and an enrollment of 38 children. By 1973, the Day School had grown to 102 students and had four classes of three-year-olds, three classes of four-year-olds, and one kindergarten class.
In 1976, Fairfax County approved the Aldersgate Day School's infamous Mother's Day Out program. This program allowed the Aldersgate Day School to enroll children as young as six-months-old. By 1978, there was such a demand for space and the popularity of the school had grown so much that the Aldersgate Day School secured a seat on the official church Commission on Education.
Between 1981 and 1984, the position of Day School Director became a twelve-month position, the first "teacher's aide" position was added, and the Aldersgate Day School and Mother's Day Out programs were combined into one Aldersgate Day School program, and with that began the process of uniting the staff and programs as a single school.
During the years 1985 and 1986, two more classes of three-year-olds and four-year-olds were added, bringing the total number of classes to seven. Significant facility improvements were made during the next five years in an effort to bring the Aldersgate Day School into compliance with Virginia State Licensure regulations. In 1991, the Aldersgate Day School received its first unconditional Virginia State License. The Mother's Day Out program was replaced by the current Toddler I, Toddler II, and Pre-K classes.
Many new and exciting educational, staffing, and programmatic activities continued throughout the 1990s and into to the 2000s when, in 2003, ground was broken for the new Aldersgate Educational wing. A huge effort was undertaken, in part, for the benefit of the Aldersgate Day School and its children. In February 2005, the Aldersgate Day School moved into the new wing at Aldersgate UMC (and resided in both upstairs and downstairs classrooms while the existing educational wing was beautifully remodeled). By September 2005, the Aldersgate Day School was set up as it is currently configured.
Currently, Aldersgate Day School has an enrollment of 170 children, 16 class offerings, and 35 teachers and staff. We are so proud of our rich history and the opportunities we have been given to be agents of God's love through the educational process. It's so amazing to be able to serve so many children and their families within and outside of our community!
Aldersgate Day School is fully licensed by the state of Virginia (without the religious exemption) and is regularly inspected by State representatives to ensure compliance with all state regulations.