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The Aldersgate UMC facilities are available for use by both church and community groups. The primary purpose of the Aldersgate UMC facilities is to provide a place for Christian worship, fellowship, education, and nurture which directly serve the interests of our membership, constituents, and groups that are sponsored by the church. Under certain circumstances, our facilities are made available for community service which is an essential element of outreach and provides opportunities for witness. 

Use of church facilities is authorized when meeting the guidelines provided in the Aldersgate UMC Facilities Use Policy and is scheduled by the Church Receptionist or Church Executive Director under the direction of the Senior Pastor. For a copy of the Aldersgate UMC Facilities Policy, please contact

Facility Use Policy

You will receive a "Success!" notification if your submission has gone through. If you do not receive this notification, please review the form and ensure you have completed all required fields (marked with an asterisk (*)).

NOTE: If you would like your event promoted by Aldersgate UMC, please complete the Announcement Request Form.

If you have questions or require assistance, please contact us at

Facility Use Request Form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

Your Information

Event Information

Recurrence Type
Non-regular recurring events are those that do not meet on a standard day/date and/or do not meet in the same location each time. Non-regular recurring events or meetings must submit a separate Facility Use Request for each occurrence of the event. Example: "S'mores & Scripture" is a recurring event (meets monthly) but the meeting date and location each month will vary.
Setup Time
Event Start Time
Event End Time
Tear-Down Time

Facility Needs

NOTE: To check if your desired room(s) is available for your requested date/time, please visit our full calendar.
Equipment Needs
NOTE: Equipment/support needs may incur a fee. You will be informed of any/all applicable fees prior to finalization of your reservation.
Select Table Type
Upload Table Setup Information
File Types: *.pdf, *.doc, *.docx, *ppt, *pptx, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.tiff

Event Organization & Contact Information

Please provide the name of the organization or group that is hosting this event, as well as the name and contact information of the primary contact person for this announcement. 

Additional Information and/or Comments

You will receive a "Success!" notification if your submission has gone through. If you do not receive this notification, please review the form and ensure you have completed all required fields (marked with an asterisk (*)).

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