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Aldersgate is served by a team of lay leaders and pastors who work together diligently and faithfully to do the work of leading our church in the fulfillment of our mission to courageously live out God's unconditional love.

The Leadership Team meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm via Zoom. Visit the church calendar for information on each month's meeting. Email for more information, including to request the Zoom link for the monthly meetings.

Leadership Summit Report
February 4th, 2024

People from across Aldersgate gathered for the afternoon February 4th to celebrate where we have seen God work in our ministries this past year and to plan how to live and share God's unconditional love, even in the face of inevitable change. Click the button, below, to see notes from each ministry team. Please reach out to the listed team leads (emails are at top of each slide) to learn how to join in their teams' ministries.

Leadership Summit Report
July 14th, 2024

Following our Leadership Summit on July 14th, we will work on our Strategic Priorities for 2030. In 2020, we worked as a collaborative group and set the church’s top Strategic Priorities for 2025. Strategic Priorities are meant to be our focus and goals over the next 5 years. These priorities will help us to form disciples of Jesus Christ. We will engage with the congregation in the Fall of 2024 to better understand what we as a Church feel will best serve us as a congregation and for our community outreach. 

Leadership Team Members | July 2024 - June 2025


Dave Halladay
Lay Leader
Jill Cox
Team Recorder & Treasurer
Bryce Edwards
Staff Parish Relations Committee Lead
Mark Easton
Finance Lead
Sean Vermillion
Trustee Lead
Ed Little
Trustee Co-Lead
John McRae
Strategic Planning Lead
Barb Roach
Engage Lead
Beth Bachmore
Engage Co-Lead
Hilary Riedemann
Connect Lead
Steve Larkin
Connect Lead - Worship
Don McIlwain
Connect - Worship Co-Lead
Leslie Belcher
Equip Lead
Leigh Johnson Miller
Equip Co-Lead
Julie Pfister
Send Lead
Sandra Gehring
Send Co-Lead
Olivia Peterson
Youth Representative
Lorrie Rezendes
United Women in Faith Representative
Mike Russell
United Methodist Men Representative


Rev. Dr. Randy Orndorff
Lead Pastor
Rev. Dr. Keary Kincannon
Interim Assistant Pastor
Jill Cox
Church Executive Director
LT Members
Nominations and Leadership Development

Members of the Aldersgate Leadership Team are to be spiritually mature Christ-followers who are passionate about the mission and vision of Aldersgate, and who are spiritually gifted and called to be part of this team. The Leadership Team will consist of 15 lay members serving in three rotating classes. Leadership Team terms are for three (3) years in the areas of Finance, Trustees, and Staff Parish Relations (our Human Resources area). The Leadership Team also includes our Engage, Connect, Equip, and Send ministries, as well as representation from our Youth, United Women in Faith (UWF), and United Methodist Men (UMM). The Lead Pastor, Associate Pastor(s), and Church Executive Director are permanent ex-officio members of the Leadership Team.

The lay members of the Leadership Team are nominated by the Nominations Committee for election at a Charge Conference held in June, with their terms beginning on July 1st. Persons who discern that they may be called by God to serve on the Leadership Team will complete a Profile Application and Spiritual Gifts Inventory and may be interviewed by the existing Leadership Team members as part of the discernment and nominating process.

Completed nomination packets may be submitted to Pastor Randy at

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