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  • Kids Ministry | Aldersgate UMC

    KIDS MINISTRY Serving children and their families from infants through 6th grade At Aldersgate UMC, we know how important a foundation in faith is for your children. Our Kids Ministry strives to engage kids and empower families by providing Christian education, service opportunities, and fun events for the whole family. For more information about the Kids Ministry at Aldersgate, please contact Lisa Lee, Director of Kids Ministry ( ) VBS Old Acolyte Tab Sunday School Acolyte Children's Choir Events Nursery Sunday School In-person Sunday school is available for ages 4-years-old through 6th grade on Sunday mornings at 9:30am beginning Sunday, August 18th. If your child will be attending Sunday School, please sign in at the KIDMIN Check-In desk to receive a security sticker for you and your child. KIDMIN Check-In will begin at 9:15am on Sunday mornings and is located just inside Door #3. All Sunday school teachers have had a background check and follow Aldersgate's Safe Sanctuaries Policy . Register for 2024-2025 School Year **Please register to ensure enough teachers and supplies** 2023-2024 Sunday School Calendar For more information, please contact Lisa Lee, Director of Kids Ministry ( ).

  • Youth Ministry | Aldersgate UMC

    YOUTH MINISTRY Supporting all youth in grades 6 through12 The Aldersgate Youth Ministry welcomes and embraces the youth of the Aldersgate UMC family and its community. All youth are welcome -- you don't have to be a Methodist or a member of Aldersgate to participate in your Youth Ministries. Youth Ministry at Aldersgate UMC includes Aldersgate Youth Group (grades 7-12) and the Confirmation Program (grades 6+). Both programs provide an opportunity for our youth to have fun, build new relationships, perform service in the community and beyond, and grow in their faith in a supportive and encouraging environment. For more information, please contact us at . Youth Group Youth Donut Den Confirmation Open House Youth Band Youth Calendar Youth Group The Aldersgate Youth Group is a space for our young people to come together and kick off the week on a positive note. We focus on exploring our relationships with God, having fun, and occasionally engaging in service projects within the community and beyond. We invite you to grow in your faith in a supportive and encouraging environment. All youth are welcome—there’s no need to be a Methodist or a member of Aldersgate to join us! Who : Students in grades 7-12 Where : Youth Room (Room 102) When : Sundays from 5pm-6:30pm Youth Donut Den on Sunday Mornings The Youth Donut Den is a casual meet-and-greet where our young members can connect with one another, catch up between services or volunteer opportunities, and discuss insights from this week's sermon. Additionally, Bailey, our Interim Youth Director, will be available at every 9:30AM service on the right side of the sanctuary, between rows 5 and 10 for those who want to join her in worship! Who : Students in grades 7-12 Where : Wesley Hall When : Sundays from 10:30am - 11am Confirmation Program Throughout the course of the class, students will discover what it takes to follow Christ and to model Christ's love and mercy to the world by participating in interactive class sessions, service projects, worship, and fall retreat. Students will also be paired with a mentor from the Aldersgate church family who will help our confirmands learn and grow in their faith. The Confirmation Program at Aldersgate UMC is an opportunity for students to respond to the workings of God's grace in their lives. The goal of the Confirmation Program is for students to begin to understand for themselves what it means to be a Christian and a member of God's Church. Upon completion of the class, students will be given the opportunity to profess their faith and become church members. Who : Open to all rising 6th graders and older When & Where : Class meets every Sunday morning at 11:00am in Guback Center Confirmation Teacher : Cheryl Bratten Duration : August 18th - December 15th, culminating in confirmation of the students on January 12th, 2025 Cost : $100 per student to cover the cost of supplies, events, and our retreat (scholarships available) Register for Confirmation Program Registration is closed for the Fall 2024 Confirmation Class. Important Documents to Download & Review 2023-2024 Confirmation Class Calendar Parental Consent Form Confirmation Program Requirements For more information, please contact Pastor Pamela Kipps ( ). Aldersgate Youth Band The Aldersgate Youth Band is open to all youth in grades 7-12. Our mission is to deepen our faith and worship experience through music. Do you play an instrument or sing in choir at school? We'd love to have you be a part of our music family! Who : Students in grades 7-12 Where : Church Sanctuary When : Tuesdays from 8:00 pm - 9:00pm (bi-weekly) For more information, please contact Andreas Barrett ( ) . Youth Open House The Youth Open House is a chance for teens to unwind after school, enjoy a snack, play games, and work on homework. Each week, we engage in a group activity to foster connections and strengthen our friendships. We emphasize respectful values and boundaries, and we’re thrilled to see so many non-members joining us as well! Who : Students in grades 7-12 Where : Youth Room (Room 102) When : Every Wednesday afternoon from 2:30pm - 4pm CANCELLED THIS WEEK Youth Ministry Calendar January 2025 Today Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Adult Volunteers - Get Involved! Come be a part of the faith formation and growth of our amazing teenagers! We are looking for adult volunteers who can help out with our Youth Ministry program. Opportunities to help include: • Provide food or come as a parent volunteer for Sunday Evening Youth Group • • Sign up for our church events and outings • If at any point you want to donate food or snacks, please contact Bailey at or . Confirmation Sunday School Youth Group & Youth Band Youth Open House Events Adult Volunteers Get Involved Confirmation Program The Confirmation Program at Aldersgate UMC is an opportunity for students to respond to the workings of God's grace in their lives. The goal of the Confirmation Program is for students to begin to understand for themselves what it means to be a Christian and a member of God's Church. Upon completion of the class, students will be given the opportunity to profess their faith and become church members. Throughout the course of the class, students will discover what it takes to follow Christ and to model Christ's love and mercy to the world by participating in interactive class sessions, service projects, worship, and fall retreat. Students will also be paired with a mentor from the Aldersgate church family who will help our confirmands learn and grow in their faith. Who : Open to all rising 6th graders and older When & Where : Class meets every Sunday morning at 11:00am in Guback Center Confirmation Teacher : Andreas Barrett ( ) Duration : August 18th - December 15th, culminating in confirmation of the students on January 12th, 2025 Cost : $100 per student to cover the cost of supplies, events, and our retreat (scholarships available) Registration is closed for the Fall 2024 Confirmation Class. Register for Confirmation Program Important Documents to Download & Review 2023-2024 Confirmation Class Calendar Parental Consent Form Confirmation Program Requirements For more information, please contact Andreas Barrett, Director of Youth Ministry ( ) . Youth Mission Week Signup for our weekly newsletter Contact us at Join our Facebook Group

  • Creation Care | Aldersgate UMC

    CREATION CARE TEAM "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it." Psalm 24:1 As Christians we are called to care for all of God's creation. As United Methodists, we believe that we are not called to merely be observers. Rather, we are called to actively love and tend to all of God's creation. We are called to seek justice and liberty for all of God's creation. The Social Principals of the United Methodist Church speak to the issues in the contemporary world from a sound biblical and theological foundation. One of the United Methodist Church's Social Principals is to care for The Natural World . God has charged us to be stewards of God's creation. "Water, air, soil, minerals, energy resources, plants, animal life, and space are to be valued and conserved because they are useful to human beings". The Aldersgate Creation Care Team works towards living into the United Methodist Social Principal: The Natural World and our Aldersgate UMC Strategic Priorities of Missional Outreach and Social Justice. To help educate, disciple, and model ways to transform for the better those people and causes we seek to serve locally, nationally, and internationally. The Creation Care Team comes together every 2 months to find ways that Aldersgate can improve the way we care for God's creation. We talk about engaging this ministry in the following ways: Worship, Learning and Teaching, Lifestyle, and Community, National and Global Involvement. Our key focus areas for 2024 are energy efficiency; native trees, shrubs, and flowers; and plastic reduction policy for Aldersgate UMC. We are open to all subjects and ideas for creation care education, events, and policies. Upcoming Meeting Dates Tuesday, November 26th • 1-2pm • Room 203 For more information, please contact Lorrie Rezendes ( or 571-309-6001). United Methodist Creation Justice Monthly Tips The United Methodist Creation Justice Movement provides tips each month to help us respond to God's call to care for creation and do justice with our neighbors. Share these tips with your family, friends, and neighbors. CLICK HERE to see more tips and to subscribe to receive the monthly tips in your email directly from the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement. For more about the UMC Creation Justice Movement, visit to . January 2025 Tips A Reminder from God’s Seasons January is just a few days past the darkest day of the year, December 21. With this month’s long dark nights, it’s hard to not let our disposition and energy darken too. But January is ever inching forward into the light. God’s seasons remind us that the Light came into the world and the darkness did not overcome it. God remains faithful, working through the dark toward a new season. We can follow God’s leading. WE CAN renew our commitment to be good stewards of our Earth. Choose one new thing to do throughout the year to care for creation. WE CAN make our homes and churches more energy efficient. Fix the air leaks, use drapes to block the cold, change to LED lights, investigate possibilities for solar or Energy Star appliances. WE CAN embrace zero waste. Create a reminder: Put a recycle bin next to your trash basket. Offer composting. Challenge family, colleagues, and church members to be thoughtful about their habits. WE CAN learn and teach. Dig more deeply into the connections between science, the natural world, and faith. The more you learn, the more you can help others in your family, your circles of influence, and your congregation seeing themselves as faithful followers of Jesus and doing what is right for God’s planet and people. WE CAN clean up. Review your closets for items to donate for reuse, to repurpose, or to recycle. Challenge your clean-up crew of family or congregation to avoid letting anything go to the landfill. One church’s campaign netted 220 serviceable winter coats that they donated to an organization helping unhoused persons. WE CAN consume less meat. Explore the options for foods that are kinder to earth and to health. What we eat does have an impact on nature and climate change, as well as our own bodies. Try a new recipe. Host a meatless potluck and invite people to share their recipes. WE CAN avoid single-use plastics. Take your own reusable bags when shopping. When eating out, bring your own non-plastic take-home container. Substitute bamboo, silicon, cloth from natural fibers, glass, or aluminum products for ones made of plastic. WE CAN support the creation justice efforts of others. Help fund organizations that care for the environment and for communities that are vulnerable. They can gather resources and amass power that creates greater impact than individuals can. WE CAN reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Minimize the use of paper, which comes from chopping down trees. Choose instead email, texting, recycled paper, or reusable scrap paper. Change to bamboo toilet tissue, which is not wrapped in plastic, and that spares trees so they can continue to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. WE CAN speak up. Talk to your family, friends, and church members about what you are learning and doing. You are a trusted resource for them. Your example and your encouragement are key to spreading wider the circle of caring for God’s planet and people.

  • United Women in Faith (UWF) | Aldersgate UMC

    UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH (UWF) FAITH. HOPE. LOVE. ACTION. United Methodist Women (UMW) is now United Women in Faith (UWF) FAITH. Women who participate in monthly circle meetings and support mission projects to grow spiritually and become more deeply rooted in Christ by putting faith into action. HOPE. Our national mission institutions empower women, care for children, educate and equip youth, care for the neglected, advocate for social justice issues, create economic opportunities, and strengthen neighborhoods. LOVE. Our members give out of their love for the world and provide financial support for local and national mission institutions, supporting 121 programs taking place in 110 countries. ACTION. UWF members’ voices are heard around the world as they call for justice on issues such as immigration, human trafficking, domestic violence, health care, and the environment. Circles Missions Events Resources Give to UWF U NITED W OMEN IN F AITH C I RCLES Any woman who wants to engage in mission work, have personal and spiritual growth with Christian women, and who wants to become involved in social action to better women, children, and families may join. It’s easy to become a member of UWF. You can talk to someone you know who is already a member, or email Lorrie Rezendes ( or call her at 571-309-6001. UWF meets monthly during the months of September - May/June in small groups called Circles as follows: Elizabeth Circle 2nd Monday of each month | 10:30am Meeting Location: Member's Homes (Including at The Fairfax) Shirley Burgett ( / 703-780-7966) Elizabeth Circle are in charge of the Frozen Casserole Sale at the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace. They are group of delightful older women who want to have Christian fellowship, continue to grow spiritually, and support mission projects as everyone gracefully ages. Friendship Circle 2nd Monday of each month | 6:30pm Meeting Location: Member's Homes Lorrie Rezendes ( / 571-309-6001) Friendship Circle is comprised of working or recently retired women who want to grow spiritually, have Christian fellowship, and work on mission projects. They are in charge of the Faith Cafe at the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace. Esther Circle 2nd Tuesday of each month | 10:00am Meeting Location: Room 132 (Library) Hettie Hervey ( / 703-360-4625) Esther Circle enjoys doing mission projects, enjoys programs to learn about ourselves and each other and our faith, occasionally has speakers, and does two luncheons a year. They are also in charge of the White Elephant Sale at the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace. Sewing Circle 3rd Wednesday of each month | 10:00am Meeting Location: Rooms 203 Lorrie Rezendes ( / 571-309-6001) The Sewing Circle meets monthly for fun sewing projects. We iron, cut, pin material, and machine sew projects. We sew 250 or more heart pillows for local hospital heart patients that have undergone surgery. We recently started to sew angels to uplift anyone receiving one. We start new sewing projects each year. All women are welcomed and there are jobs for all! Koinonia Circle 3rd Thursday of each month | 6:00pm-7:30pm Meeting Location: Prayer Room Maria Friedman ( / 571-217-8408) The Koinonia circle is comprised of mothers and early midlife females who are seeking Christian friendship, encouragement, and support during this important phase of life. The circle’s predominant thread is a shared faith and purpose, dedicated to growing together as we strive to become more Christ-like through fellowship, devotion, and service. Lydia Circle 2nd Thursday of each month | 10:30am - 12:00pm Meeting Location: Room 202 Peggy Lussier ( / 703-624-6600) Lydia Circle enjoys coming together monthly for fellowship and spiritual growth. They accept jewelry donations every Fall (August - November) to sell at the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace. Ruth Circle 2nd Thursday of each month | 5:00pm Meeting Location: Room 132 (Library) Mary Ellen Carawan ( / 207-329-4142) Ruth Circle enjoys spiritual meetings and deep friendships while welcoming those who are new to the group. Members participate in reading and discussion of UWF books, and sharing uplifting programs and projects. They are in charge of pecans sales and the Bakery Corner for the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace.

  • Engage Ministries | Aldersgate UMC

    ENGAGE MINISTRIES ENGAGE ENGAGE ENGAGE Engaging People for Christ Engaging People for Christ Engaging People for Christ Ministries/Strategies for the purpose of introducing Jesus, establishing belonging through relationship—usually outside the walls of the church, but not always. Ministry Areas Community Engagement, Trunk or Treat, Blessing of the Animals, Caroling on the Corner, Fresh Expressions Events, Scouts , Wellness Classes , ACCT , Day School , etc. To learn more about the Engage Ministries at Aldersgate UMC, please contact our Engage Team at . Upcoming Engage Events & Activities Wednesday Night House Church Wednesday, January 8th | 6:00pm Location TBD (Contact for Address) Join us for this time of worship and community. We'll share a meal together and have a communal style of worship during our gathering. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Erica Kraft ( ). Join us for this time of worship and community. We'll share a meal together and have a communal style of worship during our gathering. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Erica Kraft ( ). Elisabeth von Trapp in Concert Sunday, January 12th | 4:00pm - 5:00pm Aldersgate UMC (Sanctuary) People of all ages are invited to see Elisabeth von Trapp live in concert on Sunday, January 12th, from 4-5pm. The concert is open to all. There is no fee for admission; a donation of $20 per person is encouraged. For Elisabeth von Trapp, “the sounds of music" are part of her earliest memories. Born and raised in Vermont, Elisabeth is the granddaughter of the legendary Maria and Baron von Trapp, whose story inspired The Sound of Music . Singing professionally since childhood, Elisabeth has enthralled audiences from European cathedrals to Washington D.C.’s Kennedy Center. Building on her famed family's legacy, Elisabeth has created her own musical style, at once ethereal and earthy, delicate and powerful. Listeners have likened her to Judy Collins and Loreena McKennitt. Critics have called her voice "hauntingly clear," "joyfully expressive," and "simply beautiful." Elisabeth von Trapp's performances range from Bach to Broadway. With equal ease and beauty, she sings timeless wonders like Rodgers & Hammerstein's Favorite Things and Edelweiss ; soaring Gospel tunes; pop classics like A Whiter Shade of Pal e; and her own stunning compositions. She is accompanied by acclaimed cellist Eric Kory. No one leaves an Elisabeth von Trapp performance unchanged. Audiences of all ages are drawn by the promise of her famous name and awed by the haunting beauty of her voice and musical arrangements. Their hearts are touched forever by the astonishing sound of her unique new music. For more information, please contact Kevin Lackie, Director of Adult Choirs and Handbells ( ). People of all ages are invited to see Elisabeth von Trapp live in concert on Sunday, January 12th, from 4-5pm. The concert is open to all. There is no fee for admission; a donation of $20 per person is encouraged. For Elisabeth von Trapp, “the sounds of music" are part of her earliest memories. Born and raised in Vermont, Elisabeth is the granddaughter of the legendary Maria and Baron von Trapp, whose story inspired The Sound of Music . Singing professionally since childhood, Elisabeth has enthralled audiences from European cathedrals to Washington D.C.’s Kennedy Center. Building on her famed family's legacy, Elisabeth has created her own musical style, at once ethereal and earthy, delicate and powerful. Listeners have likened her to Judy Collins and Loreena McKennitt. Critics have called her voice "hauntingly clear," "joyfully expressive," and "simply beautiful." Elisabeth von Trapp's performances range from Bach to Broadway. With equal ease and beauty, she sings timeless wonders like Rodgers & Hammerstein's Favorite Things and Edelweiss ; soaring Gospel tunes; pop classics like A Whiter Shade of Pal e; and her own stunning compositions. She is accompanied by acclaimed cellist Eric Kory. No one leaves an Elisabeth von Trapp performance unchanged. Audiences of all ages are drawn by the promise of her famous name and awed by the haunting beauty of her voice and musical arrangements. Their hearts are touched forever by the astonishing sound of her unique new music. For more information, please contact Kevin Lackie, Director of Adult Choirs and Handbells ( ). Monthly Wellness Potluck Wednesday, January 22nd | 4:45pm - 6:00pm Aldersgate UMC (Wesley Hall) Join us for a potluck meal on the SECOND Wednesday of every month at 4:45pm in Wesley Hall. Come share a meal and have fun with friends and neighbors. Each family is asked to bring a dish that will serve 8-10 people. Contact Judy Jurkowski ( ) with any questions. Join us for a potluck meal on the SECOND Wednesday of every month at 4:45pm in Wesley Hall. Come share a meal and have fun with friends and neighbors. Each family is asked to bring a dish that will serve 8-10 people. Contact Judy Jurkowski ( ) with any questions. 1 1 ... 1 ... 1

  • United Methodist Men (UMM) | Aldersgate UMC

    UNITED METHODIST MEN (UMM) Coaching men to thrive through Christ, so others may know Christ. United Methodist Men (UMM) is the official organization for men in The United Methodist Church at the local church, Annual Conference, and denominational levels. The mission of UMM is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others, all the while “helping men grow in Christ, so others may know Christ.” Aldersgate UMM gather monthly for fellowship and learning. Every other month there is an Executive Committee meeting (all are welcome to attend) where current and upcoming activities are discussed and voted upon. During the other months (except July) there is a dinner with a guest speaker. Although it is sponsored by UMM, it is open to everyone. Examples of previous speakers and topics include Mount Vernon District Supervisor, The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, George Washington’s Mount Vernon, Fairfax County Police Department Human Trafficking Office, and a former Medical Missionary. Meetings and dinners are held in the evening on the second Tuesday of the month (except January when it is on the fourth Tuesday). UMM’s major fundraiser is an annual family and friends golf outing, usually held in August. This event raises funds to support UMM’s mission outreach - UMM has given approximately $87,000 to local, regional, and international mission projects because of the golf outings since 2007. No money goes to prizes-it all goes to mission outreach! For more information on Aldersgate UMM contact Mike Russell, . Upcoming Events UMM Dinner with Don Francisco UNITED METHODIST MEN EVENT Tuesday, January 28th | 6:30pm - 8:30pm Aldersgate UMC (Wesley Hall) The United Methodist Men (UMM) invite you to a dinner with special guest Don Francisco, the resident fifer at Mount Vernon. Mr. Francisco will talk about the history of fifing in the armed services and in the Revolutionary War. He will play some battle hymns and marching songs of that period, talk about music in the 18th century, and relate his life experiences in the Army and as a flutist. CLICK HERE to learn more about Don Francisco. RSVP through Sunday, January 26th Visit the UMM Table during Fellowship Time on Sunday morning or CLICK HERE to RSVP online. Ticket Cost: $10 per person / $20 per family Payment will be collected at the door on the day of the dinner. Funds raised are to cover the cost of the dinner with an excess going to missions. All are invited! Friends and neighbors welcome! For more information, please contact please contact Mike Russell ( or 703-801-5553).

  • Music Ministry | Aldersgate UMC

    MUSIC AT ALDERSGATE Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 100:1 At Aldersgate UMC, we believe that music is a primary way in which we experience God, and that leading others musically is, itself, a way we grow in our faith. If you would like to participate in a musical group or choir, the congregation would love to have you! Please contact the leader of each group for more information on how to join. Wesley Choir Journeys Band Wesley Ringers Youth Band Children's Choir Special Events Wesley Choir The Wesley Choir provides music for the 11:00am Traditional Worship Service on Sunday mornings as well as other special events throughout the year. The choir meets for rehearsal on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the Music Room (room 104). Our meeting time includes fellowship, vocal warmups, and rehearsal of upcoming anthems. All singers are welcome! No music reading experience required. For more information, please contact the Kevin Lackie , Director of Adult Choirs and Handbells ( ).

  • Support Groups | Aldersgate UMC

    SUPPORT GROUPS Aldersgate United Methodist Church offers support groups to the congregation and to our community. Monthly Caregiver Support Group Aldersgate UMC offers a support group for those who are caregivers. The monthly Caregiver Support Group will meet on the SECOND Wednesday of every month at 5:00pm in the Library. For more information, please contact Judy Jurkowski, Wellness Coordinator & Director of Congregational Care ( ) . Monthly Grief Support Group Aldersgate UMC offers a support group for those who have experienced a loss and who are grieving. The monthly Grief Support Group will meet on the THIRD Wednesday of every month at 5:00pm in the Library. For more information, please contact Judy Jurkowski, Wellness Coordinator & Director of Congregational Care ( ) . Weekly Divorce Care Group Aldersgate UMC offers a weekly virtual support group for those who are going through or have gone through divorce. This group will foster healing from separation or divorce. Meetings consists of a discussion of the material (video and workbook) completed during the week. The DivorceCare videos cover topics essential to recovering from the hurt of separation or divorce. The group will meet weekly on Tuesday at 7pm starting September 19th. All meetings are virtual. Please visit the DivorceCare website for additional information on the program and to register to attend the group meetings hosted by Aldersgate UMC. Attendance at each session is not required for participation. There is a $20 fee that covers the cost of the workbook.

  • Social Justice Team | Aldersgate UMC

    SOCIAL JUSTICE TEAM "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31 The Social Justice Team works towards living into our Strategic Priorities of Missional Outreach and Social Justice. To help educate, disciple, and model ways to transform for the better those people and causes we seek to serve locally, nationally, and internationally. Currently we partner with Woodlawn Faith UMC in worship and missional exchanges, as well as opportunities that you can find in our weekly newsletter (click the "Subscribe" button, below, to receive our weekly newsletter). We have a Social Justice section in our church library where you can check out books. We are offering tips for Creation Care in our weekly newsletter. Click on the tabs, below, to learn more about the different social justice focus areas at Aldersgate UMC. Learn more about the Social Principals of the United Methodist Church . The Social Justice Team comes together every 8-10 weeks to share what we are working on and plan for other ways to engage in our church and community. If you wish to know more, be part of a book and /or Bible study, or to actively participate in one of the above areas, please contact . Woodlawn-Faith UMC Partnership Aldersgate UMC is currently partnering with Woodlawn-Faith UMC in worship and missional exchanges, as well as other events you can learn about here and under Upcoming Events . There are also opportunities to serve with Woodlawn-Faith UMC, such as Food Distribution on Fordson Road and to serve at the Community Gardens at the Grist Mill Park. Woodlawn-Faith UMC is an African-American congregation in our area. This partnership came out of our work on our Focus 2025 Strategic Priorities. We heard you as our congregation wanting to be more diverse in worship and in engaging with our community. Upcoming Partnership Events Woodlawn-Faith Food Distribution Friday, January 17th | 8:30am - 12:00pm 7730 Fordson Rd, Alexandria, VA 22306, USA Help pack food boxes for distribution to folks who come to collect food. Join Woodlawn-Faith UMC at St. John's Baptist Church on Fordson Road to pack food boxes for folks in our community to collect. No reservation or sign-up required! Drop by any time and stay for as long as you can! Students can earn community service hours. 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 Woodlawn-Faith Partnership Be the Bridge Book Club Creation Care Woodlawn-Faith UMC Partnership Aldersgate UMC is currently partnering with Woodlawn-Faith UMC in worship and missional exchanges, as well as other events you can learn about here and under Upcoming Events . There are also opportunities to serve with Woodlawn-Faith UMC, such as Food Distribution on Fordson Road and to serve at the Community Gardens at the Grist Mill Park. Woodlawn-Faith UMC is an African-American congregation in our area. This partnership came out of our work on our Focus 2025 Strategic Priorities. We heard you as our congregation wanting to be more diverse in worship and in engaging with our community. Upcoming Partnership Events Woodlawn-Faith Food Distribution Friday, January 17th | 8:30am - 12:00pm 7730 Fordson Rd, Alexandria, VA 22306, USA Help pack food boxes for distribution to folks who come to collect food. Join Woodlawn-Faith UMC at St. John's Baptist Church on Fordson Road to pack food boxes for folks in our community to collect. No reservation or sign-up required! Drop by any time and stay for as long as you can! Students can earn community service hours. 1 1 ... 1 ... 1

  • Adult Groups & Classes | Aldersgate UMC

    ADULT GROUPS AND CLASSES Adult groups and classes are how we build community at Aldersgate Church. Being a part of a group is the best way to help a big church feel smaller. Whether it’s a class, a small group, or bible study, in a group, you’ll connect with people in a similar stage of life, or with similar interests. Together, you’ll build community and foster spiritual growth. We offer small group bible studies, fellowship groups, women’s and men’s groups, prayer groups, topical classes and mission/service groups. The United Methodist Men and the United Women in Faith also provide a place to plug-in for fellowship, outreach and prayer. We also offer various yoga and wellness classes . Have an idea for a new small group? Tell us what you’re looking for! Send an email to . Adult Sunday School Adult Small Groups Adult Sunday School Classes Adult Sunday school classes meet at 9:30am on Sunday mornings. Please contact the listed class leader for more information. Potpourri Class Advent and the Incarnation Room 208 Sundays at 9:30am Beginning January 5th Leader Information: Louise Williams The Potpourri Class will begin a new study of Genesis beginning Sunday, January 5th. Steve Rezendes will lead this short term class. Bibles are available in the classroom or bring your favorite translation to class.For more information, please contact Louise Williams ( ). NEW CLASS Contemporary Christian Challenges Room 209 Sundays at 9:30am Beginning February 2nd Leader Information: Glenn Fatzinger On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 9:30 AM in Room 209 the first Contemporary Christian Challenges Class will meet and begin discussing Ronald J. Sider's popular book, "Rich Christians in An Age of Hunger: Moving from Affluence to Generosity." The book is available for purchase on Amazon, but persons attending the class will be provided daily chapter outlines so itis not necessary to buy the book. The discussion of this book is the first in a series of topics that will help persons apply basic Christian principles in challenges of daily living in a highly complex urban society. All adults are welcome. B.A.S.I.C. Bible Study Library (Room 132) Sundays at 9:30am January 5th - February 2nd Leader Information: Bill Armstrong The B.A.S.I.C. (Brothers and Sisters in Christ) Bible study meets in the Library on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. All are welcome! On January 5th the class will resume meeting and study the letters of Peter and John. We will begin with 1 Peter and 2 Peter then look at the 3 letters of John. This will be a 5 week study, from January 5th through February 2nd. For more information, please contact Bill Armstrong ( ). A Disciple's Path Room 210 Sundays at 9:30am February 2nd - March 23rd Leader Information: Ann & John Nelson The Disciple's Path class will study the book "A Disciple's Path", an engaging approach to discipleship from a distinctly Wesleyan perspective. The study combines a Wesleyan understanding of our growth in God's love and grace with the time-tested practices of spiritual discipline expressed in the membership vows to uphold the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Participants will develop spiritual practices, discover their unique gifts, and become engaged in ministry that brings transformation in their own lives, the lives of others, and the world. Adult Small Groups Please contact the listed group leader(s) for more details on the small group you are interested in. Mom to Mom Twice a Month (See Description for Meeting Dates) Room 209 Maria Friedman Leader Information: Join us for Mom to Mom, a welcoming group where mothers can connect, grow spiritually, and support each other on their parenting journeys. Meeting twice a month at Aldersgate UMC, this group offers Christian fellowship, encouragement, and devotional time for women in all stages of motherhood. Our gatherings provide a nurturing space to: Build meaningful friendships with other moms • Explore faith-based parenting topics • Share joys and challenges of motherhood • Grow deeper in your relationship with God Whether you're a new mom or experienced parent, you'll find acceptance, compassion, and wisdom here. We aim to create a safe place for both committed Christian women and those exploring faith. Mom to Mom is based on the biblical concept of older women mentoring younger women (Titus 2:4). More experienced moms offer guidance while all learn from each other. Join us to refresh your spirit, gain practical parenting insights, and connect with a supportive community of women. All are welcome - we'd love to have you! Planned Meeting Dates: January 10, 24 • February 7, 21 • March 14, 28 • April 4, 11 • May 2 For more information, please contact Maria Friedman ( or 571-217-8408). Christian Meditation Group Mondays | 2:00pm Church Library (Room 132) Sue Kane Leader Information: The Christian Meditation Group meets every Monday afternoon at 2:00pm in the church library. We spend time in each gathering in a period of meditation. Wednesday Night House Church Every Other Wednesday | 6:00pm Various Homes of Group Participants Erica Kraft Leader Information: House Church is a discipleship model that focuses on growing disciples by building community. During our gatherings, we will share a meal together and then spend time in prayer, worship, and study of scripture. House Church gatherings are communal, meaning that everyone is invited to participate as we share our gifts and experiences with one another. We believe this is a great model for building community both within the church and in our neighborhoods. Faith Book Study - "The Universal Christ" by Richard Rohr Tuesdays Beginning January 14th | 7:00pm - 8:30pm Church Library (Room 132) Pastor Keary Kincannon Leader Information: Join Pastor Keary Kincannon for an 8-week study of the New York Times Best Seller "The Universal Christ" by Richard Rohr. This event is sponsored by Aldersgate UMC and Ventures in Community. Thought-provoking, practical, and full of deep hope and vision, "The Universal Christ" is a landmark book from one of our most beloved spiritual writers, and an invitation to contemplate how God liberates and loves all that is. The class will meet weekly for 8 weeks beginning Tuesday, January 14th, at Aldersgate UMC (1301 Collingwood Rd) in the Church Library. CLICK HERE to sign up to be a part of the book study. Participants are asked to please obtain a copy of the book and read the first chapter before the first class. For more information, please contact Pastor Keary Kincannon at . ------------------------------------------ “Anyone who strives to put their faith into action will find encouragement and inspiration in the pages of this book.”—Melinda Gates In his decades as a globally recognized teacher, Richard Rohr has helped millions realize what is at stake in matters of faith and spirituality. Yet Rohr has never written on the most perennially talked about topic in Christianity: Jesus. Most know who Jesus was, but who was Christ? Is the word simply Jesus’s last name? Too often, Rohr writes, our understandings have been limited by culture, religious debate, and the human tendency to put ourselves at the center. Drawing on scripture, history, and spiritual practice, Rohr articulates a transformative view of Jesus Christ as a portrait of God’s constant, unfolding work in the world. “God loves things by becoming them,” he writes, and Jesus’s life was meant to declare that humanity has never been separate from God—except by its own negative choice. When we recover this fundamental truth, faith becomes less about proving Jesus was God, and more about learning to recognize the Creator’s presence all around us, and in everyone we meet. Intercessory Prayer Group Tuesdays | 9:30am Virtual (Email for Info) Group Led Leader Information: The Intercessory Prayer Group prays on behalf of people facing spiritual, medical, financial, and relationship concerns. Prayer requests come from our congregation, community, and from throughout the world. Confidentiality is strictly observed and prayers for others are offered in a non-political, non-judgmental setting. The group welcomes men and women of all ages and experience. Parsonage Small Group 1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 7:00pm Various Homes of Group Participants Randy Orndorff Leader Information: The group meets for study, reflection, to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and fellowship. Wellness Book Study Group Mondays | 12:00pm Library + Zoom (Contact Judy for Zoom info) Judy Jurkowski Leader Information: The Wellness Book Study Group is a small group that meets regularly in person (with Zoom option) to discuss God and Christ-centered books that the group chooses. The group is flexible and open to more people attending. Wednesday Women Wednesdays | 1:00pm - 2:00pm Church Library (Room 132) Hettie Hervey Leader Information: Women of all ages who meet to enjoy fellowship, service, and study various books, topics, and Bible chapters with the intention of broadening our understanding of the arts and literature as they relate to living a life of following Jesus’s teachings. Our mission statement is: Serving women and their families through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Wednesday Night Bible Study Wednesdays | 7:30pm-9:30pm Zoom (Contact Shari for Zoom info) Shari Van Buren Leader Information: We study the Bible, books, and other resources to help us deepen our faith. All are welcome! On January 8th we will begin a new eight-week study of "The Rock, The Road, and the Rabbi" by Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel. In this six-session video study, Kathie Lee invites you to join her as she visits sites in Israel that have impacted her life. As she shares her story, Rabbi Jason Sobel, a messianic Jewish rabbi who was trained in the ancient rabbinical way, provides fascinating background details into the language, culture, and heritage that make the story of the New Testament come alive. Kathie Lee and Rabbi Sobel will take you and your group beyond the typical "Sunday school" teaching to examine the original texts of the Bible. Contact Shari Van Buren with questions or to get the link for the study.

  • Advent & Christmas Eve 2024 | Aldersgate UMC

    Advent & Christmas Eve 2024 Christmas Eve Advent Events Advent Giving Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Tuesday, December 24th Volunteer for Christmas Eve Worship Order Poinsettias for Christmas Eve Altar 3pm | Contemporary Worship + Pop-Up Children's Pageant Candlelight Worship Service with Communion (nursery available for 3 & under) Pop-Up Children's Pageant open to all children in worship - no rehearsal required! 5pm | Contemporary Worship Candlelight Worship Service with Communion (nursery available for 3 & under) 7:30pm | Traditional Worship Candleligh t Worship Service with Communion (no nursery available) Livestream will be available for 5pm & 7:30pm services (CLICK HERE ) Live nativity animals from 3:30pm - 7:30pm on the Front Lawn Special Advent & Christmas Events "Un-Deck" the Halls! CONNECT EVENT Sunday, January 5th | 12:30pm - 3:30pm Aldersgate UMC (Throughout the Church) Join us for some pizza and stay to help us take down the Christmas decorations around (and outside of) the church. Please help us remove the Christmas decorations and store them all ready to go for next year! We'll have a pizza lunch and some fellowship time, before tackling the un-trimming, de-hanging, and clean-upping! It's sure to be de-lightful! Please RSVP to for a head count of helpers and pizza eaters. Please help us remove the Christmas decorations and store them all ready to go for next year! We'll have a pizza lunch and some fellowship time, before tackling the un-trimming, de-hanging, and clean-upping! It's sure to be de-lightful! Please RSVP to for a head count of helpers and pizza eaters. 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 Giving this Advent & Christmas Season Alternative Giving Epiphany Tree Alternative Christmas Giving Welcome to Aldersgate United Methodist Church’s 22nd annual Alternative Christmas Giving to benefit the missions and the United Methodist Church in Cambodia. We sponsor this event during Advent to give folks an opportunity to honor Jesus’s birth by giving gifts of love to serve the poor as we seek to carry out Christ's commandment to “go and make disciples.” Shoppers make contributions to mission projects in Cambodia in the name of loved ones as an alternative to buying material goods. This ministry was established and lovingly run for over two decades by Juanita Csontos. We continue this annual ministry in memory of Juanita and her passion for serving others. Alternative Giving 2024 Catalog Alternative Giving 2024 Shopping List Alternative Giving Gift Card Alternative Giving Volunteers will be at a table in Wesley Hall during Fellowship Time on December 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd to accept your gifts for the Cambodian Christians. You may purchase online, or you may fill out the shopping list and either turn it in at the Alternative Giving table or mail it to the church at: 1301 Collingwood Rd, Alexandria, VA 22308. Please make checks out to Aldersgate UMC and indicate "Alternative Giving" on the memo line. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Julie Pfister . Ephiphany Tree You may have noticed that the Christmas tree in the Welcome Center outside of the sanctuary (by door #1) does not have any ornaments on it. This is our Epiphany Tree. Epiphany is the day Christians remember the coming of the Magi to visit Jesus, bringing their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. It occurs on January 6th every year and marks the end of the Christmas season. The word "epiphany," from the Greek word epiphania , means appearance or manifestation. The arrival of these visitors was a sign that the incarnation of God in Christ had been made known and was recognized by the heavens to the whole world, so that even Gentile wise men from the East came to pay him homage. This is an observance of great majesty, solemnity, and awe. Just as the Magi brought gifts to Jesus, we invite you to bring a gift for a baby or toddler . You can place these donations (unwrapped) in the box under the Epiphany Tree. We will collect baby and toddler gifts throughout Advent and Christmastide, all the way up to Epiphany Sunday. In January, we will donate the gifted items to local charities that support children. In this season of giving, we also invite you to bring an ornament from home to hang on this Epiphany Tree so that it has a little bit of each of us. Donate one that has meaning to you and your family - maybe one that you make together this year especially for this tree - and be a part of decking our church halls with the joy of Christmas! If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Molly Johnson . Thank you for being a blessing to others less fortunate. Merry Christmas! Christmas Eve Services Christmas Eve & New Year's Eve Special Advent Events Advent Giving Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Sunday, December 24th 3pm | Contemporary Worship + Pop-Up Children's Pageant Candlelight Worship Service with Communion (nursery available for 3 & under) Pop-Up Children's Pageant open to all children in worship - no rehearsal required! 5pm | Contemporary Worship Candlelight Worship Service with Communion (nursery available for 3 & under) 7pm & 9pm | Traditional Worship Candleligh t Worship Service with Communion (no nursery available) Live stream will be available for 5pm & 7pm services (CLICK HERE ) Live nativity animals from 3:30pm - 7:00pm on the Front Lawn Come see Chewy the Camel!

  • Aldersgate UMC | Our Pastors & Staff | Tony Pittman

    < Back Tony Pittman Facilities Manager & Worship Production Lead Email: Phone: (703) 765-6555 x608

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