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  • Nursery | Aldersgate UMC

    NURSERY Your children are as important to us as they are to you (well, almost). That’s why we provide a safe, loving, Christian environment for your babies and toddlers ages 3 and under while you are at worship. The Nursery is available during all Sunday morning worship services in rooms 122 and 123. All staff members have had background checks, CPR training, and follow CDC safety guidelines. For more information, please contact our Director of Child Care, Corey Bales . We hope to see you this Sunday!

  • Wellness Program | Aldersgate UMC

    WELLNESS PROGRAM Aldersgate United Methodist Church offers wellness program opportunities to the congregation and to our community. Regular Weekly Classes Gentle Yoga Gently relax and sooth your stress, renew and restore with this calming and rejuvenating class. The practice will focus on deep breathing, slow movement, gentle stretching and strengthening postures, as well as restorative postures and relaxation. Mondays 9:00am - 10:00am Wesley Hall Thursdays 11:00am - 12:00pm Wesley Hall Senior Strength & Stretch Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of motion and activities for daily living. Handheld weights are offered for resistance. A chair is used for seated and/or standing support. This class is geared for healthy seniors as well as those with joint, mobility and/or balance issues. Mondays 10:30am - 11:15am Wesley Hall Wednesdays 4:00pm - 4:45pm Wesley Hall If you have questions about the classes, please contact Judy at 703-765-6555, ext. 626 or . Also, please print out the required ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY and bring it with you. The classes are ongoing, and they are a gift from the church to you and the community. All are welcome to join class as long as their physician has given approval. Classes are taught by Judy Jurkowski, Aldersgate UMC Wellness Coordinator. Judy is a Certified Exercise Instructor through Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), Les Mills International (LMI), and Silver Sneakers (Healthways, Inc). She has been teaching a wide variety of fitness classes at local gyms since 1987. Ft. Hunt Yoga Classes at Aldersgate UMC In partnership with local yoga instructor, Sara Jefferies, we will be offering to Aldersgate members and those who attend regularly free Vinyasa yoga classes on Tuesdays (January - April). The classes will be held at Aldersgate in Founders Hall from 6:30pm - 7:15pm. Please be sure to bring your yoga mat and water bottle and enter through Door 8. For others in the community attending there will be a $10 charge at the door, please use the signup so that Sara knows you are with Aldersgate. Sign-Up for Ft. Hunt Yoga Classes Vinyasa style yoga offers a full body stretch. If you'd like to learn more about Sara and the other classes she offers in the area, please check out her private Facebook group called Fort Hunt Yoga . Aldersgate United Methodist Church offers support groups to the congregation and to our community. Learn About Our Support Groups Upcoming Events Monthly Wellness Potluck Wednesday, January 22nd | 4:45pm - 6:00pm Aldersgate UMC (Wesley Hall) Contact Judy Jurkowski ( ) with any questions. Learn More

  • Aldersgate Calendar | Aldersgate UMC

    ALDERSGATE EVENTS CALENDAR Facility Use Request Full Calendar Upcoming Events Announcement Request

  • Aldersgate UMC | Our Pastors & Staff | Corey Bales

    < Back Corey Bales Director of Childcare Email: Phone:

  • Aldersgate UMC | Volunteer for Worship | Fellowship Time

    < Back Fellowship Time Sign up to help with Fellowship Time between services on Sundays. We are asking for Church groups to help with Fellowship Time in Wesley Hall on Sunday mornings. At least four (4) Volunteers in a group are preferred. Volunteers will prepare coffee and set up Wesley Hall for Fellowship Time; greet guests warmly; and replace snacks and coffee and supplies as needed. It's a wonderful way to serve and greet people! Click Here to Sign-Up If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Hilary Riedemann ( ). We are asking for Church groups to help with Fellowship Time in Wesley Hall on Sunday mornings. At least four (4) Volunteers in a group are preferred. Volunteers will prepare coffee and set up Wesley Hall for Fellowship Time; greet guests warmly; and replace snacks and coffee and supplies as needed. It's a wonderful way to serve and greet people! Click Here to Sign-Up If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Hilary Riedemann ( ). Previous Next

  • Aldersgate UMC | Volunteer for Worship | Ushers

    < Back Ushers Sign up to serve as an usher at worship on Sundays. Ushers arrive 30 minutes before worship, light candles, greet worshipers, hand out bulletins, count & record attendance, present the offering at the altar, and deposit the offering in the Finance Office. Commitment is once every other month. Click Here to Sign-Up Please contact Steve Larkin at for more information. Ushers arrive 30 minutes before worship, light candles, greet worshipers, hand out bulletins, count & record attendance, present the offering at the altar, and deposit the offering in the Finance Office. Commitment is once every other month. Click Here to Sign-Up Please contact Steve Larkin at for more information. Previous Next

  • Aldersgate UMC | Mom to Mom at Aldersgate UMC

    EVENT INFORMATION < Previous Event Back to Upcoming Events Back Next Event > Mom to Mom at Aldersgate UMC EQUIP EVENT Friday, January 10th | 9:00am - 10:30am Aldersgate UMC (Room 209) Join us for Mom to Mom, a welcoming group where mothers can connect, grow spiritually, and support each other on their parenting journeys. Meeting twice a month at Aldersgate UMC, this group offers Christian fellowship, encouragement, and devotional time for women in all stages of motherhood. Our gatherings provide a nurturing space to: Build meaningful friendships with other moms • Explore faith-based parenting topics • Share joys and challenges of motherhood • Grow deeper in your relationship with God Whether you're a new mom or experienced parent, you'll find acceptance, compassion, and wisdom here. We aim to create a safe place for both committed Christian women and those exploring faith. Mom to Mom is based on the biblical concept of older women mentoring younger women ( Titus 2:4 ). More experienced moms offer guidance while all learn from each other. Join us to refresh your spirit, gain practical parenting insights, and connect with a supportive community of women. All are welcome - we'd love to have you! Planned Meeting Dates: January 10, 24 • February 7, 21 • March 14, 28 • April 4, 11 • May 2 For more information, please contact Maria Friedman ( or 571-217-8408). Join us for Mom to Mom, a welcoming group where mothers can connect, grow spiritually, and support each other on their parenting journeys. Meeting twice a month at Aldersgate UMC, this group offers Christian fellowship, encouragement, and devotional time for women in all stages of motherhood. Our gatherings provide a nurturing space to: Build meaningful friendships with other moms • Explore faith-based parenting topics • Share joys and challenges of motherhood • Grow deeper in your relationship with God Whether you're a new mom or experienced parent, you'll find acceptance, compassion, and wisdom here. We aim to create a safe place for both committed Christian women and those exploring faith. Mom to Mom is based on the biblical concept of older women mentoring younger women (Titus 2:4 ). More experienced moms offer guidance while all learn from each other. Join us to refresh your spirit, gain practical parenting insights, and connect with a supportive community of women. All are welcome - we'd love to have you! Planned Meeting Dates: January 10, 24 • February 7, 21 • March 14, 28 • April 4, 11 • May 2 For more information, please contact Maria Friedman ( or 571-217-8408). < Previous Event Next Event >

  • Creation Care | Aldersgate UMC

    CREATION CARE TEAM "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it." Psalm 24:1 As Christians we are called to care for all of God's creation. As United Methodists, we believe that we are not called to merely be observers. Rather, we are called to actively love and tend to all of God's creation. We are called to seek justice and liberty for all of God's creation. The Social Principals of the United Methodist Church speak to the issues in the contemporary world from a sound biblical and theological foundation. One of the United Methodist Church's Social Principals is to care for The Natural World . God has charged us to be stewards of God's creation. "Water, air, soil, minerals, energy resources, plants, animal life, and space are to be valued and conserved because they are useful to human beings". The Aldersgate Creation Care Team works towards living into the United Methodist Social Principal: The Natural World and our Aldersgate UMC Strategic Priorities of Missional Outreach and Social Justice. To help educate, disciple, and model ways to transform for the better those people and causes we seek to serve locally, nationally, and internationally. The Creation Care Team comes together every 2 months to find ways that Aldersgate can improve the way we care for God's creation. We talk about engaging this ministry in the following ways: Worship, Learning and Teaching, Lifestyle, and Community, National and Global Involvement. Our key focus areas for 2024 are energy efficiency; native trees, shrubs, and flowers; and plastic reduction policy for Aldersgate UMC. We are open to all subjects and ideas for creation care education, events, and policies. Upcoming Meeting Dates Tuesday, November 26th • 1-2pm • Room 203 For more information, please contact Lorrie Rezendes ( or 571-309-6001). United Methodist Creation Justice Monthly Tips The United Methodist Creation Justice Movement provides tips each month to help us respond to God's call to care for creation and do justice with our neighbors. Share these tips with your family, friends, and neighbors. CLICK HERE to see more tips and to subscribe to receive the monthly tips in your email directly from the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement. For more about the UMC Creation Justice Movement, visit to . January 2025 Tips A Reminder from God’s Seasons January is just a few days past the darkest day of the year, December 21. With this month’s long dark nights, it’s hard to not let our disposition and energy darken too. But January is ever inching forward into the light. God’s seasons remind us that the Light came into the world and the darkness did not overcome it. God remains faithful, working through the dark toward a new season. We can follow God’s leading. WE CAN renew our commitment to be good stewards of our Earth. Choose one new thing to do throughout the year to care for creation. WE CAN make our homes and churches more energy efficient. Fix the air leaks, use drapes to block the cold, change to LED lights, investigate possibilities for solar or Energy Star appliances. WE CAN embrace zero waste. Create a reminder: Put a recycle bin next to your trash basket. Offer composting. Challenge family, colleagues, and church members to be thoughtful about their habits. WE CAN learn and teach. Dig more deeply into the connections between science, the natural world, and faith. The more you learn, the more you can help others in your family, your circles of influence, and your congregation seeing themselves as faithful followers of Jesus and doing what is right for God’s planet and people. WE CAN clean up. Review your closets for items to donate for reuse, to repurpose, or to recycle. Challenge your clean-up crew of family or congregation to avoid letting anything go to the landfill. One church’s campaign netted 220 serviceable winter coats that they donated to an organization helping unhoused persons. WE CAN consume less meat. Explore the options for foods that are kinder to earth and to health. What we eat does have an impact on nature and climate change, as well as our own bodies. Try a new recipe. Host a meatless potluck and invite people to share their recipes. WE CAN avoid single-use plastics. Take your own reusable bags when shopping. When eating out, bring your own non-plastic take-home container. Substitute bamboo, silicon, cloth from natural fibers, glass, or aluminum products for ones made of plastic. WE CAN support the creation justice efforts of others. Help fund organizations that care for the environment and for communities that are vulnerable. They can gather resources and amass power that creates greater impact than individuals can. WE CAN reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Minimize the use of paper, which comes from chopping down trees. Choose instead email, texting, recycled paper, or reusable scrap paper. Change to bamboo toilet tissue, which is not wrapped in plastic, and that spares trees so they can continue to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. WE CAN speak up. Talk to your family, friends, and church members about what you are learning and doing. You are a trusted resource for them. Your example and your encouragement are key to spreading wider the circle of caring for God’s planet and people.

  • Join Aldersgate | Aldersgate UMC

    JOIN ALDERSGATE UMC All are welcome at Aldersgate UMC! Becoming a member of our church is a way for you to show your commitment to Aldersgate and our mission . It means that you are willing to contribute your time, talent, and treasure to the ministries of the church and that you will take an active role in taking our mission to the world: courageously living God’s unconditional love. Process for Joining Aldersgate UMC Have you been baptized? We accept all Christian baptisms so you will not have to be baptized again. If you have not been baptized, plans will be made to baptize you before you join the church. Please call the church office and make an appointment to meet with a pastor. Please fill out our membership form. Click on the link below to download a membership form. Complete it and return it to the receptionist during the week or to the Welcome Desk during times of worship. If you have any questions, please email or call (703) 765-6555. Aldersgate Membership Information Form Children under 12 years of age will be able to join after they complete the Confirmation Program when they are in the sixth grade. While they will not be joining at the same time, children are encouraged to go to the front of the sanctuary with parents who are joining to share in the experience and be welcomed as a family to our congregation. Learn More About Membership The pastors hold a "Meet the Pastors" gathering several times each year for those considering membership. Those who have already joined Aldersgate are encouraged to attend to learn more about our church and our mission. Be on the lookout for the next meeting on our Upcoming Events page. You may also email for more information. Please make sure to let us know which Sunday you would like to join. We prefer that people join the church during worship on the second weekend of each month, but another date can be arranged. Email or call 703-765-6555 for more information.

  • Equip Ministries | Aldersgate UMC

    EQUIP MINISTRIES EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP Equipping People to be Disciples of Christ Equipping People to be Disciples of Christ Equipping People to be Disciples of Christ Ministries/Strategies that teach and develop growth and responsibility for each person’s discipleship. Ministry Areas Children's Ministries Providing Christian education, service opportunities, and fun events for children through 5th Grade Student Ministries We welcome and embrace all youth in 6th through 12th Grades Confirmation Program Confirmation Program (6th Grade and up) Adult Opportunities Small groups and classes for all adults Prayer Team Intercessory Prayer Group serving you and your loved ones quietly behind the scenes Social Justice Team Helping educate, disciple, and model ways to transform for the better those people and causes we seek to serve locally, nationally, and internationally Creation Care Team Finding ways to be good stewards of all of God's creation To learn more about the Equip Ministries at Aldersgate UMC, please contact our Equip Team at .

  • Mission + Values | Aldersgate UMC

    OUR MISSION JOYOUS RISK-TAKING WELCOMING GENEROUS FAITHFUL JOYOUS We embrace fully the joy of the Lord; it pours out from us and strengthens us as we live, serve, give, worship and praise in the name of Christ. (Nehemiah 8:10) RISK-TAKING We courageously step out in faith to pursue the vision that God has given us for Aldersgate and the community. (1 Corinthians 16:13-14) WELCOMING We show hospitality at all times to all people and welcome them with open arms as we serve God together. (Mark 9:37) GENEROUS We selflessly give our time, talents, money, and resources to bring about God’s kingdom on earth with gratitude for all God has so generously given us. (2 Corinthians 9:11) FAITHFUL We are dedicated to the Great Commission to “go and make disciples” by growing our faith and our relationships as we love God and others. (Hebrews 10:23)

  • Inclement Weather Policy | Aldersgate UMC

    ALDERSGATE WEATHER POLICY Weekdays If the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) closes the Federal Government, the church office will close and ALL activities/events at the church will be cancelled. If Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) cancels school, all scheduled children's and youth activities will be cancelled. NOTE : The Aldersgate Day School has its own policy which closely follows FCPS. Find out more here . Adult groups may meet at the leader's discretion. If you are unsure of your group's plans, please contact your group leader directly. If the Senior Pastor decides to close Aldersgate due to weather, the Receptionist or Executive Director will contact all event leaders to notify them of the closure. An announcement will be placed on the church website and posted to Facebook. Weekends A closure decision will be made as early as possible. An announcement will be placed on the church website and posted to Facebook.

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