Shepherd Hall 2023-2025 Campaign
Repayment of Debt for Construction of Shepherd Hall
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
Psalm 23:1
The Shepherd Hall project included building Shepherd Hall; renovating existing classrooms; installation of new and higher capacity boilers and air conditioning for the entire church complex; and environmental site requirements, including the parking lot expansion and the installation of drainage sand filler.
Total costs were approximately $4.6 million.
The need for Shepherd Hall came because of an increase in the number of families in the community. Space was needed for the growing Sunday School attendance and the expansion of the Aldersgate Day School. The primary purpose was to support Christian education. Another use for the new building was much-needed storage. AT that time, the church was overflowing with materials and equipment to support church activities. The third floor of Shepherd Hall was designed to provide sufficient storage.
Thank you for your contribution and commitment to Aldersgate UMC!

Shepherd Hall is a three-story addition to the church building that includes approximately 15,000 square feet of meeting and storage space. The addition is about 30% of the overall church building's space. Included in Shepherd Hall are the church library, where books on a variety of topics are available and where meetings of many church and community groups are held; Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults; and storage for the church, Aldersgate Day School, and the Aldersgate Church Community Theater.
The map of the church (above) shows the first two floors of Shepherd Hall at the bottom, inside the red box. The third floor, which is not shown, is used for storage.
While the church community has been very generous and has given through several campaigns to support Shepherd Hall, the remaining debt as of October 1, 2022, is $2.1 million.
History of Giving Towards Shepherd Hall
From 2010-2016, a total of $3,055,142 was given toward the Shepherd Hall project. The most recent campaigns (Building Lives Campaign in 2016-2019 and Growing Lives for the Future Campaign in 2021-2023) have brought in $1,156,561. In addition to this, $61,909 was contributed in "Mortgage May" in May 2022 against a goal of $10,000.
The total paid from these campaigns of $4,273,612 reflects the significant amount of interest that has been paid over the lifetime of the loan. During that time, the principal has been reduced by a far smaller amount. We still have a long way to go.