United Methodist Women (UMW) is now United Women in Faith (UWF)
Women who participate in monthly circle meetings and support mission projects to grow spiritually and become more deeply rooted in Christ by putting faith into action.
Our national mission institutions empower women, care for children, educate and equip youth, care for the neglected, advocate for social justice issues, create economic opportunities, and strengthen neighborhoods.
Our members give out of their love for the world and provide financial support for local and national mission institutions, supporting 121 programs taking place in 110 countries.
UWF members’ voices are heard around the world as they call for justice on issues such as immigration, human trafficking, domestic violence, health care, and the environment.
Any woman who wants to engage in mission work, have personal and spiritual growth with Christian women, and who wants to become involved in social action to better women, children, and families may join. It’s easy to become a member of UWF. You can talk to someone you know who is already a member, or email Lorrie Rezendes (lorretired@aol.com) or call her at 571-309-6001. UWF meets monthly during the months of September - May/June in small groups called Circles as follows:
Elizabeth Circle
2nd Monday of each month | 10:30am
Meeting Location:
Member's Homes (Including at The Fairfax)
Shirley Burgett (saburgett@gmail.com / 703-780-7966)
Elizabeth Circle are in charge of the Frozen Casserole Sale at the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace. They are group of delightful older women who want to have Christian fellowship, continue to grow spiritually, and support mission projects as everyone gracefully ages.
Friendship Circle
2nd Monday of each month | 6:30pm
Meeting Location:
Member's Homes
Lorrie Rezendes (lorretired@aol.com / 571-309-6001)
Friendship Circle is comprised of working or recently retired women who want to grow spiritually, have Christian fellowship, and work on mission projects. They are in charge of the Faith Cafe at the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace.
Esther Circle
2nd Tuesday of each month | 10:00am
Meeting Location:
Room 132 (Library)
Hettie Hervey (hettieh@usa.net / 703-360-4625)
Esther Circle enjoys doing mission projects, enjoys programs to learn about ourselves and each other and our faith, occasionally has speakers, and does two luncheons a year. They are also in charge of the White Elephant Sale at the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace.
Sewing Circle
3rd Wednesday of each month | 10:00am
Meeting Location:
Rooms 203
Lorrie Rezendes (lorretired@aol.com / 571-309-6001)
The Sewing Circle meets monthly for fun sewing projects. We iron, cut, pin material, and machine sew projects. We sew 250 or more heart pillows for local hospital heart patients that have undergone surgery. We recently started to sew angels to uplift anyone receiving one. We start new sewing projects each year. All women are welcomed and there are jobs for all!
Koinonia Circle
3rd Thursday of each month | 6:00pm-7:30pm
Meeting Location:
Prayer Room
Maria Friedman (mmkia165@gmail.com / 571-217-8408)
The Koinonia circle is comprised of mothers and early midlife females who are seeking Christian friendship, encouragement, and support during this important phase of life. The circle’s predominant thread is a shared faith and purpose, dedicated to growing together as we strive to become more Christ-like through fellowship, devotion, and service.
Lydia Circle
2nd Thursday of each month | 10:30am - 12:00pm
Meeting Location:
Room 202
Lydia Circle enjoys coming together monthly for fellowship and spiritual growth. They accept jewelry donations every Fall (August - November) to sell at the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace.
Ruth Circle
2nd Thursday of each month | 5:00pm
Meeting Location:
Room 132 (Library)
Mary Ellen Carawan (mimi.car415@gmail.com / 207-329-4142)
Ruth Circle enjoys spiritual meetings and deep friendships while welcoming those who are new to the group. Members participate in reading and discussion of UWF books, and sharing uplifting programs and projects. They are in charge of pecans sales and the Bakery Corner for the annual UWF Christmas Marketplace.