Fellowship Time
Sign up to help with Fellowship Time between services on Sundays.

We are asking for Church groups to help with Fellowship Time in Wesley Hall on Sunday mornings. At least four (4) Volunteers in a group are preferred. Volunteers will prepare coffee and set up Wesley Hall for Fellowship Time; greet guests warmly; and replace snacks and coffee and supplies as needed. It's a wonderful way to serve and greet people!
If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Hilary Riedemann (hilarykoehl@yahoo.com).
We are asking for Church groups to help with Fellowship Time in Wesley Hall on Sunday mornings. At least four (4) Volunteers in a group are preferred. Volunteers will prepare coffee and set up Wesley Hall for Fellowship Time; greet guests warmly; and replace snacks and coffee and supplies as needed. It's a wonderful way to serve and greet people!
If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Hilary Riedemann (hilarykoehl@yahoo.com).